Nakau Nature Connect links Indigenous communities and local partners with finance for new carbon and nature projects.

Led by the needs of communities, we seek investors and donors that are committed to helping people protect and restore the nature they love, and that we all depend on.

Together, we grow sustainable carbon and nature projects that deliver.

Projects kickstarted through Nakau Nature Connect are developed within the Nakau Programme — an ethical and community-led approach to carbon projects.

The Nakau Programme works in partnership with organisations and businesses. We are a service provider for communities. And we share tools with Indigenous landowners so they can create their own carbon projects that protect nature and provide income for their people.

Landowners are supported to establish a group business to manage their project. In this way the Indigenous project owners retain their carbon rights, voice and fair share of the benefits.

Nakau Nature Community

For investors and donors seeking to make a positive impact, the Nakau Programme provides a pathway to support nature-based solutions that put the rights and development needs of communities at the heart.

For partners we give access to methodologies, resources and support from the Nakau Programme and our networks. 

And for communities we ensure their rights are protected and they benefit fully from their carbon or nature project.

Established in 2011, the Nakau Programme already has successful projects operating on the voluntary carbon market in three countries.

With the support of investors and our partners, the high-integrity Nakau Programme is set to expand across the region.